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DIY or Die

1 Feb

I’m no DIY person. I can’t make things. I can’t craft. I can’t sew. My painting skills are atrocious. So when I first saw this blog post on “Do-It-Yourself” gold jeans, I was like yeaaa…no. But they’re so cute. And the materials necessary are cheap. Do I really want to sacrifice a perfectly good pair of jeans to the DIY gods? Hmmm, maybe not. I think I’ll start out with something a little more forgiving…a pair of socks, perhaps?

It sounds easy enough: take a doily (yes those white things you find in your kitchen), grab some gold fabric paint, and use the doily as a stencil. I can stencil. Er..I think.

Here’s the site so you can see more of what what I’m rambling about:

If you like to get crafty, send me your ideas/projects! I’d love to see them.

Also! Take this quick poll. It won’t hurt, I promise.